This submit() method receives the name and date value supplied by the user and sets it in a newly created customer object. 这个submit()方法接收用户提供的姓名和日期值,并在一个新创建的Customer对象中设置这些值。
The Represent date/ time columns as text items option lets you control how date and time data types are created in the type tree. Representdate/timecolumnsastextitems选项允许控制日期和时间数据类型在类型树中的创建方式。
The SELECT statement above retrieves the data from your status_updates table in individual columns named date_created and text. 以上的SELECT语句从位于名为datecreated和text的独立列中的statusupdates表获取数据。
The implementation sets the password expiration date to90 days from the time that the password is initially created or changed. 这个插件实现把密码过期日期设置为创建或修改密码之后90天。
The Create Date column specifies the date when the database was created, with YYYY-MM-DD being the format. CreateDate列是创建数据库的日期,采用YYYY-MM-DD格式。
Two instances of the Java language's Date class are referenced by the created and lastModified attributes, representing when the entry was first created and last edited. created和lastModified属性引用了Java语言中Date类的两个实例,分别用来表示最初创建该项的时间和最后编辑该项的时间。
It checks that both the text and date_created fields contain some data, and then it displays them. 它检查text和datecreated字段包含的数据,然后显示这些数据。
Each of the above classes leverages system properties such as owner and date created. 上述每个类别都利用了系统属性,比如owner和datecreated。
Remember that the comparison works on the filename, not the file system creation or modification date, and so the script is able to work with files that might have been created overnight. 请记住,比较操作针对于文件名,而不是文件系统的创建或修改日期,所以该脚本可以对头天晚上创建的文件进行操作。
The summary includes the database name, its owner, total size allocated, total size used, dbspace name, and date created. 该摘要包括数据库名、数据库所有者、分配的总大小、dbspace名和创建日期。
To make things easier, SimpleJPA provides the base class IdedTimestampedBase, which manages the domain object's ID property, as well as the date attributes created and updated. 为了简化,SimpleJPA提供了基本的类IdedTimestampedBase,它负责管理域对象的ID属性,以及日期属性created和updated。
This includes faithful recreation of change sets ( file deltas and original author, comment, and date tags) and branch points ( baselines are created for all tags and branch points). 这包括变更集(文件增量和原始作者、评论,以及日期标记)和分支点(为所有标记和分支点创建的基线)的忠实重建。
You can insert that date variable into a filename so that your log file is tagged according to the date it was created. 可以将该日期变量插入文件名中,从而根据日志文件创建的日期对其进行标记。
The date and time that the subscription was created. 创建订阅的日期和时间。
Date created shows the date this item was created. 创建日期显示创建此项目的日期。
To date, the only mobile phone viruses were ones that were created in anti-virus labs. 到目前为止,仅有的手机病毒都是在防病毒实验室里制造的。
The date or time on which the file or folder was created was invalid. 文件或文件夹的创建日期或时间无效。
In the sort by list, select the option that you want, such as date created. 在“排序依据”列表中,选择所需的选项,如“创建日期”。
Represents the various properties of the specified project file, such as its name, size, the date it was created and last modified, and so forth. 表示指定项目文件的各种属性,如它的名称、大小、创建日期、上次修改日期等。
Supply either a date ( created or last modified) and a data comparator, or no date parameters at all. 请提供日期(创建日期或上次更改日期)和数据比较运算符,或根本不要提供日期参数。
Some of the report execution log sample reports require that you provide a start date and end date to retrieve report execution log data that was created between those dates. 有些报表执行日志示例报表会要求您提供开始日期和结束日期,以便检索在这两个日期之间创建的报表执行日志数据。
The next date is December when a conference in Germany marks the Bonn meeting 10 years ago that created the post-Taliban government in Kabul. 下一个日期是12月份届时在德国举行的会议将纪念10年前在喀布尔建立后塔利班政府的波恩会议。
When designing a form, you can use a text box, rich text box, or date picker to display the date and time that the form was first created. 在设计表单时,可以使用文本框、格式文本框或日期选取器来显示首次创建表单的日期和时间。
Indicates the time and date when the queue was created. 表示列建立的日期。
Consider the argument: a Date object is being created just to send its value to println (). 请观察它的自变量:创建Date对象唯一的目的就是将它的值发送给println()。
Please type the approximate date of your last successful sign-in or the approximate date you created your Hotmail account. 请输入您最后一次成功登录的大致日期,或者输入创建hotmail帐户的大致日期。
Gets the time and date that the queue was created in message queuing. 获取在“消息队列”中创建队列的时间和日期。
Date value that indicates the date and time a file was created or last modified. 值,该值指示文件的创建日期和时间或上次修改日期和时间。
Value set to the date specified when this instance was created. 值,被设置为在创建此实例时指定的日期。
Because of date consistency and the neighbourhood of time and region, newspapers slowly created a unanimous sense of belonging among the readers. 由于报纸在日期上的一致性,这使得阅读报纸的人们由于时间和地域相近的缘故而产生一种统一的归属感。